Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Spin Doctors Part Two

The term ‘Spin Doctor’ first came into widespread use in the mid 1980’s,. While it is a relatively new term, the profession itself has been around for quite some time. In fact, the term ‘Spin Doctor’ was most likely created by a – you guessed it – a Spin Doctor.

Before they were Spin Doctor’s, they were in the field of ‘Public Relations’ or ‘PR’. However, by the mid 1980’s, PR firms were becoming associated with poorly behaving Hollywood celebrities and other unsavory folk, so they came up with the term Spin Doctor to give a friendlier face to this entire business. Something that politicians and major corporations could use without feeling too closely intertwined with the seamier side of society.

Even the name ‘Public Relations’ is a relatively new term. Before the Second World War, the art of Spin was called Propaganda. Then those darn Nazis went and ruined a perfectly good term.

So let’s put conventional terminology aside and call it what it really is – propaganda.

Propaganda is a well-defined art. It employs many techniques to accomplish it’s magic, including:

- Cherry Picking, or selectively presenting facts and quotes that support one's position (i.e. Dying Grandmothers)

- Non-denial denial (It’s not that we’re not going to cover you with our plan because you wouldn’t be profitable – it’s your ‘pre-existing condition”)

- Phrasing in a way that assumes unproven truths (Used extensively to fight against the use of generic drug substitutions)

- Euphemisms to disguise or promote one's agenda (i.e. “Obamacare”)

- "Burying bad news": announcing one popular thing at the same time as several unpopular things, hoping that the media will focus on the popular one. (i.e The disclaimer at the end of every drug commercial – AFTER we see the couple in the bathtub or the old lady playing with her grandchild)

Yessiree, propaganda is alive and well, and being practiced extensively by the various players vying for our health care dollars.

Here is a fun and educational game to play: whenever a company, politician, or industry tries to justify their misdeeds, inappropriate behavior, or general raping of the American Consumer, just review these ‘Rules of Spin’ and see how they are attempting to manipulate you – you will find it avery enlightening experience!

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