Billy - How could you?
I used to be one of your biggest fans. I still use OxiClean in almost every wash. So how could you do this to me???!!!
Okay – a little background for those of you who are arriving late. I was watching the “pitchmen” show on the Discovery Channel the other day. It is a great reality show about those guys who sell all those crappy plastic products on TV. Then I saw it – my idea – being sold and marketed by Billy May’s old company.

Last March,, while blogging about the high cost of prescription medicine, I suggested that what we really need is a medicine cabinet with a lock on it. Missed that blog? Read it here:
So I’m watching the Pitchmen show and – there it is – my idea materialized in 6 ounces of Chinese plastic. OK – it wasn’t EXACTLY my idea – a Medicine Cabinet with a lock on it. What they are selling is something called a ‘Rx Locker” – which is a little locking tub where you can keep your prescription medicine – but the IDEA is pretty much the same.

Well, maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on poor Billy – he probably had already blown up his heart from doing too much coke long before the Rx Locker was ever introduced. (Side Note: Who was shocked to discover that Billy did a lot of coke? Me neither)
Maybe my ire should be directed elsewhere – like at Anthony Sullivan – master Pitchman and Billy’s old business partner. After all, Sully was the guy who pitched this product on TV. Plus, he’s a foreigner, so he is already suspect. Plus, he’s the guy who sold me that cruddy mop at the home show.

Sully isn’t acting alone – celebrity Disc Jockey Kennedy was all ga-ga over this product. (I had never heard of Kennedy before – she’s apparently big in LA. I can see now why she’s so successful – she has a face made for radio). Kennedy then got her friend Dr. Drew Pinsky to act as a spokesperson for it. (You know Dr. Drew from that old MTV show – the one that made Adam Carolla semi-famous).

In fact, it’s beginning to look like a conspiracy to me. Luckily, my blog is like a little Zapruder film. Does anyone have Oliver Stone's phone number?

Maybe I shouldn’t really care about them stealing my idea. After all, they are marketing it all wrong. According to Dr. Drew the Rx Locker is “Designed to act as a deterrent for teens who might take prescription drugs from parents or grandparents and use/abuse them without a prescription”
Yeah, he’s totally missing the boat if he thinks the reason for buying this thing is to keep Junior out of Grandma’s Xanax. That kid could probably hack his way through the Department of Defense’s firewall – what makes you think that a $10 piece of plastic is going to stop him. Besides, the kid is probably smart enough to buy a spare Rx Locker, smash Grandma’s with a hammer to get at the good stuff, and then replace it with the new one, leaving Grandma wondering why her combination keeps changing.

No, the real need is for a more substantial piece of hardware, like a wall safe with a mirror on it like I suggested in my blog. ½” of cold rolled steel will keep Junior out of Gramps pharmacopia – or at least keep him occupied until they get home from Bingo.. Beside, do Grandma and Grandpa really care about Junior stealing some industrial strength laxatives? Not when Grandma’s bottle of Boniva is worth more than their Camry.

Plus, a true combination safe/medicine cabinet has other benefits as well – like stopping nosey visitors from spying your tube of anti-fungal ointment and your box of hemorrhoid medicine.

Maybe I should give Sully a call myself – what do you think? Or maybe I should give Vince a call – I think that he must be out of prison by now after he beat up that prostitute.

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You're right. This product is limited to being a deterrent, nothing more. There IS a real home medicine safe called the RxDrugSAFE (www.rxdrugsafe.com) that is made of steel and uses FINGERPRINT technology to open. The RxLocker is made from soft plastic. There is video online that shows a 15 year old ripping the locked top off of an RxLocker with minimal effort. The RxLocker gives parents a false sense of security, but at $14.95, you certainly get what you pay for.