Monday, March 22, 2010


According to Newsweek, pharmaceutical companies spent approximately 80 Billion dollars to help get the health care reform bill passed. To put things in perspective, that’s over 4 times NASA’s 2010 budget.

Why were they so interested?

Apparently, due to the increased numbers of people who will be covered by health insurance with the reform, they stand to make tem times that much peddling there wares. That’s an 800 billion increase in profits, not gross sales. The increase in gross sales will most likely be in the trillions of dollars. Trillions of your health care dollars.

As I have said before, prescription drugs are a big business in this country, so there is really no surprise here. The 80 billion-dollar question is ‘Where did they spend those 80 billion dollars?’ They haven’t launched any satellites, built any space stations, or flew any shuttle missions. In fact, I am not aware of how any of this 80 billion was spent.

So, where did this money go? I haven’t the slightest idea. If you want the answer, you’d better ask your congressman. Something tells me that they may know the answer to this 80 billion dollar question.

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