Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Mental Health Terms

Several people have commented on how much they enjoyed my recent post on how we can apply Spin Doctor Techniques to help the medical profession. As promised, here are some additional medical terms, pre and post Spin Doctoring.

Since almost everyone is wary of people with Mental Health issues, I’ve decided that this is an area that could definitely benefit from Spin Doctoring.

First, let’s can the term ‘Mentally Ill’ – a term with terrible connotations. I will admit that ‘Mentally Ill’ sounds much better then the old standard ‘Crazy’, but we can do much better. From this day forward, let’s start calling afflicted persons ‘Different Thinkers’ - a much more positive term. As an illustration, let’s consider ‘Bob’ – a fictional person with a mental disorder. How do you think he would like to be referred to?:

A) Bob is Crazy
B) Bob is Mentally Ill
C) Bob is a Different Thinker

I can’t speak for Bob, but you would have to be nuts not to prefer ‘C’.

Here are some other mental Health Terms, before and after Spin Doctoring:

Hyperactive = Perky

Psychosis = Brain-Sprain

Bi-Polar = Spontaneous

Manic = Energetic

Alcoholic = Fun at Parties

Nymphomaniac = LOTS of Fun at Parties

Cathartic = Relaxed

Delusional = Democratic

Narcissistic = Republican

Depressed = Low Key

Obsessive-Compulsive = Detail oriented

Anorexic = Svelte

Paranoid = Cautious

We can even apply the same techniques to very scary medical procedures associated with Mental Health. For example, “Electroconvulsive Therapy” could now be called “Catching a Buzz”. A Frontal Lobotomy could be referred to as “Getting a Trim”.

Yes, the world of mental Health would benefit immensely from some Spin Doctoring. Why should only Pharmaceutical Companies and Health Insurance Carriers be the only ones using this wonderful technique?

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