Friday, April 2, 2010

Mysterious Island

OK, let’s toss a few stones at the medical profession. Admittedly, a lot of people don’t trust doctors, and it is easy to see why. To many, the medical profession is seen as some sort of secret society. They even have their own language. Whether by evolution or design, the world of medicine can be a strange and frightening place to the uninitiated.

Many doctors live by the adage of never using a 50 cent word when a ten dollar word can be used. Hence, a patient suffers from cephalgia, and not a common headache. They may treat this malady with acetaminophen instead of taking two tylenol. The list goes on and on.

Traditionally, Medical doctors are addressed by the title ‘Doctor’, even in social situations. This bugs many people with Phd’s who are not afforded the same courtesy. Medical Doctors often dress differently then most of us, with their unofficial uniforms of white lab coats or green scrubs. All of these factors tend to create an air of elitism. And elitism breeds contempt.

Now, over the past few decades, much has been done to break down these stereotypes, and improve the doctor-patient relationship. However, for many people, the schism between Doctors and the rest of society is still there.

The Spin Doctors are well aware of this, and they exploit these prejudices mercilessly as they pursue their own agenda. We almost never here about how the health care insurers, the trial lawyers, and the pharmaceutical conglomerates are bankrupting the system. The blame instead is pointed towards the providers, even though only ten cents of every health care dollar spent ends up in their pockets – and remember, they are the ones who are actually providing the care!

If we are ever to get at the root of the health care crisis, we need to strip away the layers of veneer that obscure the issues and look at things with a fresh perspective. If you have ever refinished furniture, you know that this process is going to be messy, and require a lot of hard work, but the end result will make it all worthwhile.

Now, where did I put that can of Formby’s?

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